VISIONS of SuperMaMa:

  • SuperMaMa is an EU FET-OPEN Research & Innovation project working on new technologies for mass spectrometry and analysis of lowly charged and neutral high-mass proteins.
  • SuperMaMa will develop, test and combine an integrated superconducting nanowire array (SNWA) with advanced cryogenic onboard electronics in a largely re-modelled ESI-TOF-machine.
  • The development of a new photocleavable tags shall allow us to prepare of neutral protein beams from mass-selected ions upon single- pr few photon absorption. This will decouple the volatilization from the charging process and shall enable the analysis of neutral proteins in the gas phase

 Latest News


A talk by Markus Arndt at the NPL seminar "Mass Spectrometry meets Quantum Science".


Tim Kostersitz has joined the SuperMaMa team as a Master student.


The SuperMaMa consortium is intriuged by research on superconducting nanowires as universal detectors for massive particles!


Coming up on August 24, 2022: Working principle of a superconducting nanowire detector.


Our new intern Martina Smacchia will be working on the SuperMaMa project for the next 2 months.